„Portrait of Frida“ Cui Tao click, for more about the artist 2009 Oil on canvas 82 x 115 cm Private collection, Beijing, China Currently on loan to the Kunstmuseum Gehrke-Remund, Germany This oil on canvas painting reproduces a black and white with sepia tones photo of Frida Kahlo taken by her father, Guillermo Kahlo, on February 7th 1926 (7-II-1926). The photo was taken five months after the almost fatal bus accident Frida Kahlo suffered on September 17th 1925. This “Portrait of Frida” based on such photo shows a 18 year old Frida wearing a Chinese silk dress, sitting in her parents’ sitting room, on her lap lie two books. It seems almost a miracle that Frida recovered so quickly from the accident which almost killed her and left her physically and emotionally marked for life. Beyond the artistic value this painting, has a biographic meaning as it captures a young, serious Frida in the year when she started to paint intensely to express her pain and feelings. The painter is Cui Tao, 39 year old, Chinese artist known in China for his portraits of families during the Cultural Revolution. Cui Tao lives in Beijing since 2004 and has exhibited his works in Da shan zi (798), the most famous art district in Beijing.